Low-Cost Housing Design Competition
As part of efforts to ensure that all Jamaicans achieve their fullest potential through, inter alia, effective social protection, the New Social Housing Programme (NSHP) was implemented in July 2019 by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC), to improve the housing condition of the country’s indigent population. The NSHP aims to provide quality, affordable and sustainable housing and associated services for the indigent and other vulnerable persons currently living in sub-standard conditions and is underpinned by a number of strategic objectives to include: sustainable, low cost housing stock of the highest quality, which adheres to all health, safety and environmental standards.
It is within this context that the MEGJC extends an invitation for eligible individuals to submit low cost, sustainable, climate resilient architectural designs, for the houses to be built under the NSHP.
- Email your queries and Competition Application Form to lowcosthousingdesign@megjc.gov.jm
- Next Steps: Please read page two (2) of the Competition Document below for additional steps on how to participate in the Competition.
Forms & Supporting Documents