| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation


Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

National Mangrove and Swamp Forest Management Plan completed

The National Mangrove and Swamp Forest Management Plan has been completed.

The announcement was made on Friday (January 19, 2024) by Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, during his State of the Nation Debate in the Senate.

“In recognition of the importance of mangrove forests in sequestering carbon and by extension increasing the country’s resilience to climate change, providing habitat for several coastal species, including fish and birds, shoreline protection, and a key source of livelihood for several Jamaicans, particularly those in the fishery sector, the National Mangrove and Swamp Forest Management Plan is now complete”.

Minister Samuda said the Forestry Department in collaboration with key stakeholders, would ensure that the plan is implemented, adding that it would require several non-governmental organizations, and community groups, to make the document a reality.

The National Mangrove and Swamp Management Plan, which was created by the Forestry Department with funding from the European Union, is the first of its kind for mangrove management in Jamaica.

Jamaica Secures Prestigious Forestry Certification

In the meantime, Minister Samuda advised the Senate that the country has joined the ranks of a few emerging economies to secure standards backed by the International Forest Stewardship Council.

“I am proud to announce that our Forestry Department working in collaboration with the Bureau of Standards and with funding from the EU Budget Support program has secured for Jamaica a prestigious marker of sustainability. Jamaica now joins the ranks, of very few emerging economies to have standards backed by the International Forest Stewardship Council which will allow greater access and increased prices for all forest products bearing this certification”, announced Minister Samuda.
