| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation


Portfolio Areas


The Water Portfolio has the responsibility for the management and protection of the country’s water resources and the provision of potable water and adequate sanitation to the citizens of Jamaica.  The Water Resources Authority (WRA) and the National Water Commission (NWC) are Agencies under the remit of the Ministry with responsibility for the management, protection, and controlled allocation and use of Jamaica’s water resources, and the provision of potable water supply and the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater services, respectively.

The core functions of the WPMB are as follows:

In keeping with the National Water Sector Policy & Implementation Plan, 2019, the Ministry and its Agencies continue to promote the importance of water conservation through various public education initiatives, manage the island’s water resources and improve the water supply and sanitation services across the island, through the implementation of Capital Projects.

The Ministry and its Agencies continue to work assiduously to ensure that universal access to potable water and adequate sanitation will be achieved by 2030.

Read the simplified version of the NWSP.



All Portfolio Areas


The Housing portfolio is concerned with the country’s housing needs, creating quality housing opportunities for…

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Urban Renewal

The vision for urban renewal and the revitalization of our urban centres speaks to: “Safe,…

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GOAL The protection of Jamaica’s natural resources, the prevention and minimization of pollution, and the…

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The Water Portfolio has the responsibility for the management and protection of the country’s water…

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Land is a key natural resource which is critically important in achieving the socio-economic development…

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The Works Policy, Research and Monitoring Branch’s (WPRMB) overall objective is to facilitate the development,…

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Climate Change

The Climate Change Division (CCD) was established in 2012 with the broad mandate of coordinating,…

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Economic Policy and Investment

Through the Economic Policy and Investment portfolio the Ministry provides guidance, leadership and monitoring of…

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