| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation


Friday, July 21st, 2023

Clarendon communities receive over $200 million Investment in water network from the Government

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, yesterday (July 20, 2023) announced that three water projects completed in the constituency of South East Clarendon have received an investment of over $200 million from the Government.

He made this announcement at the Commissioning of the Portland Cottage Water Supply Project in Clarendon.

“Earlier we had a Ribbon cutting ceremony and tour of Mineral Heights Tank System, we had another one for Salt River, a community that has never had running potable water in its history, and Portland Cottage system has recently been upgraded,” Minister Samuda explained.

The Portland Cottage system supplies 5,000 residents with water on a daily basis and was completed at a cost of $117 million.

The Salt River Water Supply Scheme was completed at a cost of $34 million and now provides water daily to approximately 2,500 residents.

Meanwhile, the Mineral Heights Tank System was completed at a cost of $22 million and provides water to Mineral Heights Housing Scheme, Curatoe Hill, and Halse Hall communities.

For his part, MP for Southeast Clarendon, Pearnel Charles Jr., affirmed that his constituency will be the model community for Jamaica.

“The Government is committed to ensuring that step by step we develop our space and our country for the better. Because we have now laid the pipes and completed water, we can start fixing the roads,” MP Charles said.

The Mineral Heights Project involved a 300,000 gallons tank being connected with a 50,000-gallon tank, and the Portland Cottage Upgrading Project was completed in two phases and also connects to the Shearer’s Heights and Rocky Point Systems.
