| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation


Wednesday, February 5th, 2025

Accelerated Bridge Programme Receives Boost – Targets 54 Bridges Islandwide

The National Works Agency’s Accelerated Bridge Programme has been further strengthened with the signing of a Framework of Cooperation between the Government of Jamaica, and two United Kingdom-based entities, Acrow Global Limited and Lagan Aviation and Infrastructure Limited.

Minister without Portfolio with responsibility for Works, Hon. Robert Morgan, told Parliament yesterday ( February 4, 2025) that the agreement establishes a collaborative and structured framework for the implementation of the Accelerated Bridge Programme.

“Under this framework, the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, the National Works Agency, Acrow Global Limited and Lagan Aviation and Infrastructure, have aligned efforts to ensure the seamless execution of the project. It entails the installation and upgrading of 54 bridges across the island.  This includes 44 permanent vehicular bridges, 3 permanent pedestrian bridges and 7 emergency use bridges” Minister Morgan explained.

The Minister said the GOJ has recognised the Programme, as a priority project within the Government to Government Framework of Cooperation with the United Kingdom’s Export Finance.

He added that the collaboration allows access to financing mechanisms that will accelerate implementation to ensure cost-effective execution.

“Under this programme, the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation is the buyer and project overseer; the Ministry of Finance is the borrower responsible for securing funding; the National Works Agency is the implementing Agency ensuring technical and structural integrity; Lagan is the principal contractor responsible for the execution and Acrow is the specialist bridge supplier ensuring high-quality structures”, he stated.

The Accelerated Bridge Programme is a strategic national effort to enhance connectivity, improve public safety and facilitate economic growth by constructing and rehabilitating key bridges across the island.