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Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation

Author: MEGJC Editor

Vanesia Reid Grateful For House Received Under National Social Housing Programme

In the last four years, Vanesia Reid repeatedly walked to her community’s St. Andrew South Constituency Office to ask for assistance in getting a house, which she was in dire need of.

Her persistence paid off, as on February 11, she received the keys to her new two-bedroom house, which was constructed under the National Social Housing Programme (NSHP), at a cost of J$9,471,005.

The keys were handed over by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness during……..Click Here for full story on JIS website.

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Gov’t Working On “Cookie-Cutter Solution” For National Social Housing Programme

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says the Government is working on designing a “cookie-cutter solution” for the National Social Housing Programme (NSHP) that will be more cost-effective.

“We need a solution that meets all the requirements of a house that is strong, durable, comfortable, aesthetically appealing, easy on construct, that you can just come and within a few weeks……….Click Here for full story on JIS website

Gov’t Committed To Increasing Irrigation Services To Boost Agricultural Production

Chief Technical Director for Policy, Planning and Evaluation in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Yaneke Watson, says the Government is committed to increasing access to irrigation services in order to ensure a competitive and productive agricultural sector.

“The Government of Jamaica is cognizant that the role of irrigation and water management in increasing food production is essential and………

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Minister Aubyn Hill receives courtesy call from the Indian High Commissioner

Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill, Minister in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation,  was paid a courtesy call by the new High Commissioner of India to Jamaica, H.E. Shri Mazakui.  The meeting took place on Tuesday December 29, 2020 at the Ministry’s offices at 25 Dominica Drive. 

Minister Hill, who had served both as Non-Resident High Commissioner for Jamaica to India, as well as the island’s Special Investment Ambassador to India, welcomed High Commissioner Mazakui to Jamaica.  The Minister noted the special relationship that the two countries have shared throughout the years.  After a wide-ranging discussion a broad agenda was outlined on which Jamaica and India can expand their commercial and other cooperation.

High Commissioner Shri Mazakui presented Minister Hill with a book titled “The Story of My Experiments with Truth”, an autobiography by the late Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Ghandi).  


L- R. Mr. Michael Shaw, Chairman of the National Water Commission’s Board; Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill, Minister Without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation with responsibility for the Water Portfolio; and Mr. Mark Barnett, President of the National Water Commission

Senator the Hon.  Aubyn Hill, Minister Without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, welcomed the new Board of Commissioners of the National Water Commission during a meeting at the Courtleigh Hotel on Tuesday, November 24, 2020.

Minister Hill charged the Board to examine all options, especially corporatization and privatization of the National Water Commission to bring in large and needed private investment, in order to provide sustainable and efficient potable water and sewerage services to Jamaicans.

The new Commissioners are:

Mr. Michael Shaw – Chairman

Mr. Steven Fong Yee – Deputy Chairman

Mr. Baron Stewart

Mr. Gavin Jordan

Mr. Stephen Edwards

Mr. Tyrone Robinson

Ms. Adonia Chin

Ms. Marion Sophia Brown

Ms. Opal Whyte

The appointment of the Board of Commissioners became effective on October 12, 2020.  The Board will serve for a period of three years. 

Repairs on damaged roads in North East St. Catherine to begin shortly -Minister Warmington

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Everald Warmington, says procurement for the repair of several roadways in St. Catherine North East will commence in two weeks.

Mr. Warmington told JIS News that much of the road infrastructure in the constituency “needs overhauling,” but the breakaways will be given immediate attention.

The Minister said he has asked the NWA to start the costing process for the repairs.

He reported that since the heavy rains have subsided, road patching has resumed across the island and will be intensified.

Meanwhile, Manager of Communications and Customer Services at the NWA, Stephen Shaw, said the agency has reopened most of the 260 blocked roads across the island.

According to Mr. Shaw, the NWA is working overtime to clear remaining roads that have been made “impassable” due to the recent heavy rains.

He is imploring residents to be cautious on the roads that have been damaged.

Communities visited on the tour included Grateful Hill, Bamboo Ridge, Williamsfield, Riversdale and Lucky Valley.

Photo and story credits:  The Jamaica Information Service

Submissions by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation featured at the Global SME Finance Forum 2020

A recording and essay submitted by Mr. Omar Chedda, Director of the Investment Branch at the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, were highlighted features of this year’s Global Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Finance Forum held from October 26-28, 2020.

Mr. Chedda’s recording “Look into the Crystal Ball: The State of SME Finance 2030”, was aired during the virtual forum on Wednesday October 28, 2020, while his essay entitled “Global Online Marketplace Platforms” was selected to be included in an e-publication that was launched during the three day forum.

The annual conference, is the largest, and most geographically diverse conference on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) financing hosted globally. 

The event attracts leaders  from commercial banks, development finance institutions, fintech companies, as well as regulators to discuss the state of SMR financing.  It also provides an opportunity for participants to network, share knowledge and best practices and forge meaningful partnerships aimed at promoting the growth of SME’s.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held virtually this year and provided for one-on-one networking, a virtual marketplace, exhibition booths, breakout sessions, and panel discussions, as well as the  recognition of the 2020 Global SME Finance Awards winners.   More than 2500 participants from 149 countries and more than 950 institutions joined this year’s virtual forum

Minister Vaz to lead tour of communities affected by JISCO Mud Lake

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Daryl Vaz, is to lead a multi-agency tour of the communities in St. Elizabeth that are affected by the dust coming from the dry Jiquan Iron and Steel Company (JISCO) Mud Lake at Myersville in the parish.

The tour which will take place next Thursday, February 13, 2020, is also aimed at addressing other environmental issues that the residents may be experiencing as well as land matters

The tour will include representatives of the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), the Member of Parliament for South East St. Elizabeth Frank Witter, Councillors and members of the community organizations as well as JISCO representatives.

Minister Vaz who has responsibility for land, investment, climate change and the environment, said he has taken note of the health and environmental concerns of the residents of Nain and surrounding communities.

The Minister said based on a previous meeting, and in light of the seriousness of the situation, new protocols will have to be established to deal with the dust challenge from the red mud lake.

JISCO/ALPART closed down its production operations on September 27, 2019, for refurbishing which is expected to last two years.

Vaz to convene meeting to discuss danger of possible loss of UNESCO World Heritage Site designation for the Blue and John Crow Mountains

Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC) Hon. Daryl Vaz, says the Government has noted concerns about the possibility of the Blue and John Crow Mountains being in danger of losing their UNESCO World Heritage Site status and will be taking steps to address the issues.

Minister Vaz who was speaking at the launch of the National Tree Planting Initiative and the 17th staging of National  Tree Planting Day this morning (October 4) at Jamaica House, made reference to a newspaper headline this week asserting that the slash and burn methods being employed by coffee farmers who own or lease lands within the area, are incrementally destroying the designated area.

“This is a delicate matter but one that the Government is taking very seriously and therefore will be giving the matter immediate and urgent attention with a view to arriving at a feasible solution for all stakeholders. As such, I will be convening a meeting in short order with the relevant Government agencies and stakeholders”, Minister Vaz said.

He noted that if the forests are cut down without regard for sustainable forest management, the watersheds will be degraded and the nation’s water supply challenges will worsen in the future. 

“We are barely emerging from one of the worst drought experiences, where even traditionally rainy parishes such as Portland, were affected”, Minister Vaz said, adding that the Government will  be taking proactive steps to protect and preserve the country’s forest cover, through the implementation of projects such as the Support for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) Readiness Preparation Project.

The REDD+ Project is, being implemented by the Forestry Department is funded by the Green Climate Fund in the amount of US$613,000.

The launch ceremony for the National Tree Planting Initiative was held under the theme “Three Million Trees in Three Years … Plant a tree today, for a Prosperous Tomorrow”.

Minister Vaz noted that the launch of the Initiative which was announced recently by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, when he delivered Jamaica’s Policy statement at the General Debate at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, is a strong indicator of how seriously the Government is taking the effects of climate change, and how much work it will be undertaking to become climate resilient.

He added that it is only fitting that the launch should fall on the same day as the 17th staging of National Tree Planting Day which is being celebrated this year under the theme, “Plant yuh owna tree, an some fi di res’ a we.  Give back to your community”.

He noted that the National Tree Planting Initiative and the annual celebration of National Tree Planting Day will serve to further increase awareness among all Jamaicans, about the vital role that trees play in our lives. 

“Three million trees in three years is an ambitious, but achievable target.  The trees we plant today, tomorrow, and in coming years, will symbolize a nation that is alive, prosperous and growing, and so I want to urge all Jamaicans to obtain their seedlings from Forestry Department nurseries and select offices across the island”, he added.

“Go out and ‘Plant yuh owna tree, an some fi di res’ a we….Give back to your community’, he stressed, while emphasizing that Jamaicans should immediately get on board and “plant a tree today, for a prosperous tomorrow”.
