| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation

Category: AP&FM

Farming communities get a helping hand through COVID

The dislocation caused by the spreading coronavirus (COVID-19), was nowhere as marked as in the farming sector in rural Jamaica, where men and women saw their earnings contract and some altogether disappear.

And as their earnings shrank, they also lost the ability to buy necessary inputs to plant again. Inputs like water, without which it is impossible to cultivate new crops.

The intervention of the Adaptation Programme and Financing Mechanism (AP&FM) Project, a Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) has been critical in helping farmers in five Clarendon communities to resolve these issues, stepping in to provide equipment and water for aquaponics farming.

Community Animator Dr Bridgette Barrett explains, “Given that primary beneficiaries of the AP&FM project are farmers and some of them lost produce and markets due to COVID, we decided to assist with water to help to ‘save’ some of the crops that were left. They didn’t lose jobs but lost earnings.”

“Now they will be better able to adapt to climate change and increase their earning capacity.”

In March the communities of Aenon Town, Ritchies, Alston, Johns Hall and James Hill, with a combined population of over 10, 333 persons, were introduced to new aquaponics systems operated by their Community Development Committees.

Aquaponics is an innovative farming technique that combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (soilless crop production) into a closed system that is resilient to destructive climate change events.

It is a method that boosts crop production up to 10 times higher than traditionally cultivated plots of equivalent size. It uses 85 to 90 per cent less water and uses no chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

It is low energy consumption providing year-round crop production and uses less labour than traditional farming, making it accessible to individuals with disabilities, beneficial for female-led households and attractive to youth.

aquaponics farm

Barrett outlines that the AP&FM COVID-19 response project has two components. The first was to provide 97,000 gallons of water to farmers in the Bull Head Mountain region and at the five aquaponics systems and assisting with storage to harvest water. The water supply component is being implemented in three phases.

To date, she outlines, phases one and two have been completed, resulting in the delivery of 49,000 gallons of water. The remaining 48,000 gallons for phase three will be supplied between June and August 2020 to the aquaponics sites weekly to assist with mainly the water levels in the fish tanks for optimal functioning.

“Forty-nine 650 gallon water tanks are being procured for delivery in June 2020 to farmers in the Bull Head region to assist with rainwater harvesting,” Barrett said.

Plants are not yet ready for reaping, as the systems are new, but farmers who have chosen to participate are now looking at the future with hope.

Carmen Dillion, a farmer from James Hill said “Aquaponics is an answer to some of the issues farmers face in plant production. We have not yet reaped any crop but fish and pak choi will soon be ready.”

She and other farmers are hoping that in time they will find a good market including higglers, hotel, canteen and restaurant suppliers, RADA connections, nearby markets and from community members.

The achievements to date, she said include, “learning a new effective method of food production and networking which creates avenues to access funding”.

There are still some challenges to be faced including the lack of financial resources to contract full-time staff and some resistance to change by farmers who are still doubtful about the new farming method.

Dillon says there is also no building facility (storage space, bathroom etc).

Nevertheless, she says that amidst the resistance to change, and the building of the system some farmers understand they will be using less land space.

“Farmers will do less work, have less need of capital but will get quick and high yield of food, she added, also noting, “plants can be grown in any climatic condition throughout the year so yes they think it will help them adapt to climate change.”.

“They also have no need to buy synthetic fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides and aquaponics also involves limited use of water,” she noted.

The farmer outlines that in these ways the farming practice is good for the environment, also including the use of no soil and no soil erosion.

Margaret Lothian from Aenon Town comments, “The Aquaponics system has changed not just my life, but the lives of residents of the community.  This is a system that creates job opportunities for several unemployed persons.”

At present the Aenon town farmers have pak Choi, tomato and scallion which Lothian says, “are doing well but owing to repair work being carried out not all grow beds are planted out.”

The farmer says she is looking forward to the community getting a “chance to uplift itself as funds generated will be used to fund other projects.

She added, “This project now attracts funding from outside the community. Interested parties will see what is happening and hopefully invest in the community.”

The aquaponics system is a part of the activities undertaken under the AP&FM to help to reduce Jamaica’s vulnerability to climate change.

Barrett reflects, “the approach had to be different given COVID-19, so there was heavy reliance on procurement being coordinated remotely and working closely with community leaders to coordinate the selection of beneficiaries, verification and delivery.”

She also noted that under COVID, “Some of the farmers lost produce or had to sell at lower prices to recoup some of their costs. The drought being experienced amplified the effects and so it was necessary for the AP&FM project to assist in providing water.”

Climate Change – Key focus for Green Expo 2019

Kingston. May 22, 2019. Jamaica’s premier environmental expo – Green Expo 2019 – returns on June 7-9, 2019 after an 8 year break with a renewed focus on environmental innovation, hot topics such as climate change adaptation, plastic ban, and a call for Jamaicans to renew their commitment to environmental care.

“We want to raise awareness and understanding of how to care for the environment, practice sustainable development and provide for positive environmental action,” said Dr. Susan Otoukon, Executive Director at the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT), the organisation that hosts the event.

Green Expo 2019 will be held at the National Arena and will showcase booths, displays and exhibitions from over thirty-five companies and government agencies. The Expo, first conceptualised in the 1990s, seeks to address the need for practical environmental education for sustainable development for the public.  It aims to answer the questions: “What can I do for a better life (better environment)”and “Where can I get what I need to do it?”Booths number about 50 with some companies taking more than one. Exhibitions will open from 10. a.m to 10 p.m on Friday and Saturday and 8 p.m. on Sunday

Partners of the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust Conservation Trust for the staging of Green Expo include:

  1. The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) which will be providing information on pollution and protected areas among other topics.
  2. The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica, which is piloting a number of civil society projects with economic benefits.
  3. The Climate Change Data Management Project
  4. Jamaica Energy Partners.
  5. The Spanish Jamaican Foundation
  6. The Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation

Exhibitors include the National Housing Trust which has projects in energy efficiency, and the National Water Commission. InstaSave, a water conservation company, and other entities in the renewable energy and organic agriculture space will also be exhibiting. The Adaptation Programme and Financing Mechanism for the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience will also be displaying some some of its climate adaptation projects.

“Aside from our usual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, such as International Coastal Clean-Up Day, tree planting projects, supporting preservation of marine life, and sponsoring environmental campaigns and programmes, our company strives to operate in an environmentally sustainable ways,” said Melissa Newman, Communication Specialist  with Jamaica Energy Partners. She added that the company takes pride in its role as ambassador for environmental care.

According to Newman, operationally, the company only utilizes low sulphur content fuel (Heavy Fuel Oil).  Additionally, it conducts annual stack emission monitoring, continuous ambient air quality monitoring, annual noise surveys and participates in mangrove reforestation.

 At the Green Expo, Friday June 7 will be specially dedicated to children and will feature a Kiddies Pavilion with Hope Zoo, craft, quizzes and a career day for which registration is required because of limited space.

Careers highlighted will include wildlife conservation, pollution control, information technology and geographic information systems.

Students in uniform and children aged under 12 will pay $200 to attend Green Expo.

“We also have something for the teachers as there is a session on conservation education,” said Dr. Otuokon while adding that Green Expo 2019 will serve as a reminder that environmental care is everybody’s business.

“Think about yourself. Everybody wants a better life. The way to do that is to care for our environment,” she stated.


greenexpo greenexpo greenexpo

Better Water Access for Children at Best Care Foundation

Rainwater for children ribbon cuttingRohan Bell (left), Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of the Adaptation Programme and Financing Mechanism (AP&FM) of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) cuts the ribbon on a water tank at the Best Care Foundation. Assisting him is Charmaine Webber (centre) from the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica, (EFJ). Looking on is a representative from the Best Care Foundation. The organization recently completed a rain water harvesting system under its project entitled Rain water for children. The project was funded by the Special Climate Change Adaptation Fund (SCCAF) which is administered by the EFJ with funding from the AP&FM through the Inter-American Development Bank and the government of Jamaica. The commissioning ceremony for the project took place on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at the Best Care Foundation Centre in Kingston.