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Ministry of
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Category: News

NWC and Can-Cara sign MOU for the provision of Bulk Water and Sewerage Programme

The Government of Jamaica, through the National Water Commission, today (April 18, 2023) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Can-Cara Development Ltd., for the provision of bulk water, sewerage, and irrigation services to NWC customers in South East St. Catherine.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Audrey Sewell outlined the scope of the project.

“Under this MoU, Can-Cara will provide the infrastructure needed for the conveyance of residential and commercial sewage from agreed existing and proposed NWC customers to the existing CDL sewage plant, (and) will also provide for the benefit of the Western Spanish Town Projects water supplies from its well, to the NWC, for distribution by the NWC to its customers”.

The project which will be implemented in three phases forms part of the privatization of the Greater Bernard Lodge Development Project Lands – Transaction Structure, where Can-Cara Development Limited (CDL) was approved by Cabinet, to be the provider of potable water and sewage disposal services to the Greater Bernard Lodge Development Project.

During the signing ceremony which took place at the Ministry’s Head Office, Minister without Portfolio, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, said the project can be used as a blueprint for Jamaica.

“This project is seen to be a great investment and of great value to the development of South East St. Catherine, as it can be used as a blueprint for wider Jamaica. This partnership with a private supplier will promote the planning and designs of both commercial and residential developments within the study area and its environs”.

Minister Samuda noted that the project is one of several steps being taken by the Government to move closer to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which speaks to clean water and sanitation by 2030.

“While we are rapidly expanding housing conditions for our citizens, we understand that the expansion of housing developments must be coupled with the necessary infrastructure to guarantee comfortability in each area. Therefore, the Government of Jamaica through this engagement intends to provide additional sources of water, to improve the delivery of quality, reliable, and continuous water supply to the population”, explained Minister Samuda.

President of the National Water Commission, Mark Barnett, described the MOU as an example of the NWC’s efforts to engage and leverage private financing, in order to expand infrastructure to provide the necessary support for its customers.


Minister Samuda commissions 100,000 US-gallon storage tank in St. Mary

Residents of Sandside and Trinity Heights in St. Mary are expected to benefit from improved water delivery service following the commissioning of a 100,000 US-gallon storage tank.

The tank was installed at a cost of $22 million.

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, commissioned the tank into service during a ceremony for the Sandside Storage Tank Replacement Project in Trinity yesterday (April 13, 2023).

“The Sandside storage tank replacement project in Trinity Heights represents a significant investment in reliable water supply which is the base of human dignity, it is the base of every economy and it is the base of comfort”, stated Minister Samuda.

The tank is one of the 33 water storage tanks that are being refurbished and re-commissioned under the programme, at a total cost of $600 million, and will serve a combined total of 120 accounts with a reach of over 500 persons.

The new Glass-Fused-To Steel Bolted Tank also known as Ramgolam replaces the old 20,000-capacity metal tank that deteriorated. The tank was supplied and installed by Florida Aquastore with the major inter-connection work being undertaken by a local contractor – Mustang Construction and Engineering.

Minister Samuda noted the significant work that was carried out by the NWC on both small and large water supply systems last year.

“Persons should know that last year, we deployed hundreds of projects that impacted 200-thousand Jamaicans positively with water.  That was four (4) billion dollars of work. To give you the scale and idea of what we are trying to accomplish this year, I can tell you that we are going to deploy 7 billion dollars of water projects this year that will further benefit 150,000 Jamaicans, not least of all, the residents of St. Mary”, Minister Samuda disclosed.

He noted that some of the areas in St. Mary that have benefitted from water projects thus far, include Shot Pan Corner, Castleton, Islington, Marley, Barclay Town, Fellowship Hall, Macca Hill, White River, and Sandy Hill, and Hamilton Mountain.

Minister Samuda further disclosed that work is underway on the Jordan Wells system that services the Agualta Vale and Highgate areas.

The installation of this tank comes at a crucial time and will assist the NWC in providing significant improvement in water supply reliability and quality from the network.

Westmoreland no longer a neglected Parish- Minister Warmington

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Hon. Clifford Warmington, during his tour of Westmoreland on Wednesday (April 12), says the allocation of approximately $290M to undertake infrastructure works along the St. Paul’s Road corridor is warranted.

Minister Warmington who was on a two-day tour of Western Westmoreland and Western Hanover said he conducted the tour to identify where improvements can be undertaken to improve infrastructure in the parishes.

“I needed to see the road itself to ensure that such expenditure is really warranted, whether you have enough residents; if it is a heavily trafficked road before you can allocate such funds… There must be justifiable reasons… after being here, I am convinced that the expenditure is necessary and warranted”, stated Minister Warmington.

He further reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing the infrastructure challenges in the parish.

“Westmoreland is no longer a neglected parish; we recognize the needs, and we are here.  The tour today has confirmed today the urgency of addressing infrastructure in the parish”, stated Minister Warmington.

Minister Warmington further noted that infrastructure work would soon be undertaken on other roads in the parish including Glasgow, Grange Hill to Little London, Moreland Hill, and Little Bay to Salmon Point.

“These are areas that need to be addressed urgently. We will treat for ways of flooding and put in a new box culvert in so that we can have a proper flow of flood waters when we do have rains” he noted.

Minister Warmington added that the Glasgow to Gooden’s River Road will receive $20 million for urgent infrastructural repairs and that the project has gone to tender.


Jamaica has significantly increased investment in water – Samuda

Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda told the UN 2023 Water Conference that Jamaica has made significant investments over the last seven years in strengthening the country’s water infrastructure.

Speaking today (March 23, 2022) at the Conference in New York, Minister Samuda stated that several critical infrastructure projects are being undertaken by the Government, which upon completion will improve water supply services across the island and increase the country’s resilience to climate change.

“The National Water Commission (NWC) is replacing aged transmission lines and infrastructure across several service areas in the country, which will improve the delivery of water supply,” Minister Samuda said.

Minister Samuda further advised the UN conference of several key projects implemented by the Government in the water and climate sectors:

  • The implementation of the Non-Revenue Water Programme which is improving service delivery to its customers, enhancing the operational efficiency of the NWC, improving water distribution as well as facilitating huge energy and water savings.
  • The implementation of Jamaica’s Systemic Risk Assessment Tool, which accesses climate risk to all infrastructure including water. This tool was developed by CCRI and the University of Oxford, with funding from the Green Climate Fund.
  • Jamaica’s push to install a Floating Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Plant at the Mona Reservoir. The project involves the installation of a 45 Megawatt-peak (MWp) Direct Current (DC) Floating Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Plant with a 25 Megawatt-hour (MW/h) DC Battery Storage Facility.
  • The commencement of the biggest investment in Jamaica’s history in irrigation, with some US$250 million invested into the Essex Valley Irrigation Scheme and Pedro Plains Irrigation Project.

Minister Samuda noted that these projects are a national priority to improve food security.


Countries must act now to ensure a better future for every child – Samuda

As countries around the globe gather to discuss the future of the planet’s supply of fresh water, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda says countries must act now to ensure a better future for every child.

Minister Samuda, in his capacity as co-chair of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs, highlighted the direct impact of the water, sanitation, and hygiene crisis on children’s rights, lives, and well-being.

“Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is not a privilege but a basic human right, enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. As governments, it is our duty to uphold this right. Sixty-Nine (69) members of the Group of Friends of Children and the SDGs, therefore, call on Member States to use the occasion of the UN Water Conference to act now to achieve SDG 6 and ensure a better future for every child”, Minister Samuda asserted.

His remarks came on day two (March 23, 2023) of the United Nations Water Conference in New York, which is co-hosted by the Governments of Tajikistan and the Netherlands.

The Conference, the first of its kind for close to 50 years, is placing focus on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal #6 (SDG 6) which speaks to ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Additionally, Minister Samuda stated that “the Government of Jamaica is happy that SDG 6 is now being given the attention that it so desperately needs. Human health and dignity are the foundations of every society and require access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Indeed, without this access, our collective ability to achieve the 2030 Agenda is undermined”.

Noting the nexus between climate change and the worsening water crisis facing much of the world, he reiterated Jamaica’s call to all developed nations to honor their commitments made under the Paris Agreement.

“There is an urgent need for significant increases in funding for Adaption. It is Jamaica’s belief that much of this should be directed toward water resilience. We have repeatedly called for the process of accessing finance to be simplified and harmonized across Funding Agencies. The climate crisis which is driving the water crisis will not abate because we want it to. It will abate because we make the tough political decisions and appropriate investments in adaptation and water resilience”, the Minister noted.

The Minister further stated that Jamaica has been moving aggressively to mainstream its climate action and has now completed its new Climate Change and Emissions Policies.

Minister Samuda further disclosed the steps that Jamaica has taken to protect its watersheds through a New Watersheds Policy and has increased its Protected Areas while pursuing significant restoration efforts through its National Tree Planting Initiative which aims to plant three million trees in three years.

“Colleagues, all our energies would be in vain if our water resources are not effectively managed, and that is why Jamaica will honor its commitments made at the COP 15. Jamaica is proud to announce that we will complete the protection of 30% of our landmass by 2025, a full five years ahead of the global target,” Minister Samuda said.

Minister Samuda also signaled Jamaica’s intention to join the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Coalition for Nature which was adopted in December in Montreal at COP (Conference of Parties) 15 in light of the implementation of a new Global Biodiversity Framework. The Coalition will advocate for enhanced means of implementing ambitious objectives for nature in SIDS.

Minister Samuda is leading Jamaica’s Delegation at the 2023 UN Water Conference in New York.


Minister Samuda leads delegation to UN 2023 Water Conference

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda left the island today (March 21) to attend the United Nations 2023 Water Conference in New York.

During the Conference, scheduled for March 22-24, Minister Samuda will deliver Jamaica’s statement in the first plenary session.

Additionally, Minister Samuda and the delegation will participate in five interactive dialogues under the following themes:

  • Water for Health: Access to WASH, including the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation
  • Water for Sustainable Development: Valuing Water, Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Sustainable Economic and Urban Development
  • Water for Climate, Resilience, and Environment: Source to Sea, Biodiversity, Climate, Resilience, and DRR
  • Water for Cooperation: Transboundary and International Water Cooperation, Cross-Sectoral Cooperation, including Scientific Cooperation, and Water Across the 2030 Agenda
  • Water Action Decade: Accelerating the implementation of the objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan

The Conference will bring together all relevant stakeholders to assess challenges, and opportunities, and support further action to implement the objectives of the Decade and the water-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Drought Management Committee announces multi-stakeholder approach for drought management

The Drought Management Committee (DMC) has announced a multi-stakeholder approach to mitigate the effects of the meteorological drought currently impacting the island.

Immediate measures were summarized by the National Water Commission (NWC) during yesterday’s weekly meeting of the Committee, which was held virtually and chaired by Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (MEGJC), Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, who has responsibility for the water portfolio.

The measures include, but are not limited to:

1.    Key stakeholder partnership in the water sector, with MEGJC as the lead, to develop a comprehensive and cohesive programme focusing on the importance of water conservation to effectively manage the impacts of the drought.

2.    The Meteorological Service of Jamaica will guide the NWC in the trucking of the water to the most affected areas. At present, the targeted areas include Eastern St. Thomas, sections of Portland, and St. Mary, but trucking will also occur in other parishes severely affected by drought.

3.    The Jamaica Constabulary Force will receive the schedule for the trucking of water, to ensure the delivery of water in a safe environment.

4.    In addition, 1,000 four-hundred-gallon black tanks will be provided for the worst affected areas, particularly those areas where storage is inadequate.

5.    The NWC will also continue to regulate the water supply to customers on a 12-hour supply modality.

6.    Another measure entails the transfer of water from St. Catherine to assist with the supply in Kingston and St. Andrew. The assurance was given that this measure would be undertaken, without creating any undue disadvantage for the residents of St. Catherine.

The 3-month period, February to April 2023, forecast from the Meteorological Service of Jamaica, indicates that rainfall is expected to be below-normal to near-normal across the island for the remainder of the dry season and ahead of the transition to the early wet season.

The Drought Management Committee, a sub-committee of the Integrated Water Resources Management Council (IWRMC), now convenes weekly following a directive from Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, given the intensification of the drought.

The Prime Minister also announced the allocation of an additional $100 million for the trucking of water into mostly rural areas that are in dire need.


An additional $100 million allocated to the trucking of water – PM Holness

With the meteorological drought gripping the island worsening, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness has announced an additional $100 million for the trucking of water into mostly rural areas that are in dire need.

The announcement which was made today, (March 3, 2023) at a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister, follows an announcement last month, that $50 million would be made available for trucking water.

“This morning I received another brief, which showed that the initial response was not sufficient as the meteorological drought has worsened. Therefore, I am announcing today, that we will put another 100 million dollars into the response, and the response will be channelled through the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, through the Ministry of Local Government and filtering through to the various municipal authorities”.

The Prime Minister noted that in the response, the Ministry of Agriculture cannot be omitted, as the lower rainfalls will have an impact on the agricultural sector, adding that for this phase of the drought response, the focus would be on rural parishes.

“In terms of how the resources will be used, we are going to concentrate on the rural areas that are impacted, because we still have sufficient supplies in our catchment and our treatment facilities and in our reservoirs, even though some of them are showing a decline. As this is the initial phase, we’re going to go case by case, need by need, so we maximize initial response”.

Prime Minister Holness stated that the Members of Parliament will receive an allocation through the Constituency Development Fund. The NWC, he noted, has a critical role to play, pointing out that eight water trucks were delivered to the agency last year November, with another eight currently being purchased. In all of this, the Prime Minister said, Jamaicans also have a duty to conserve water.

“The issues of climate change are real. I know for most Jamaicans that this is not a concern, with all the other issues we have to deal with…but this is where climate change meets your life. A part of becoming a resilient country means having the ability to recover quickly from the crisis, and to survive through crisis, we must be prepared”.

In the meantime, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, noted that the Drought Management Committee will now meet weekly, given the current situation. He noted that apart from the water suppliers and distributors, the Jamaica Constabulary Force is also represented on the Committee.

“We know that when we distribute water by way of trucks into communities, there can be issues with the social cohesion in that space because people are obviously anxious at that time, so we co-ordinate very closely with the police, so they are aware of what we are doing and when we are doing it”.

Senator Samuda added that the Ministry of Health was also heavily involved, particularly in terms of monitoring the quality of water being trucked.

“This is something we have been working on since last year. We’ve looked at the protocols, we’ve looked at the appropriate sampling mechanism, and we’ve looked at how we license these trucks. The trucks that are licensed and are clear to truck water will have readily identifiable markings on them, that the police can identify whether they should or shouldn’t be on the road trucking water”.

The press conference was also addressed by Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., the Meteorological Services and the NWC.

For January 2023, twelve of thirteen parishes recorded below-normal rainfall, with percentages ranging from 8 to 72 of their 30-year monthly means. As a result, many of the NWC surface water sources, which are responsible for more than 70% of the potable water supply on the island, have been impacted by drought conditions due to the continued limited rainfall over several months.

The Met Service of Jamaica is forecasting that the 3-month period of February to April 2023 indicates that rainfall is expected to be below-normal to near-normal across the island for the remainder of the dry season (February and March) and ahead of the transition to the early wet season (April).


NWC experiencing success in its efforts to reduce Non-Revenue Water – Samuda

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, says the National Water Commission (NWC) is reaping success in its efforts to reduce Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in the Corporate Area and Portmore in St Catherine.

“We are seeing where this is bringing about significant benefits in Portmore. In installing these new pipes and measuring our pressure properly, we have saved 30-odd percent of our energy usage thus far in Portmore”, the Minister said.

Non-Revenue Water refers to water that is lost from theft or broken pipes for which the NWC cannot receive income.

Minister Samuda highlighted that in the Kingston Metropolitan Area, the project has already cut NRW from some 71 percent to under 38 percent. He added that a rollout of the full NRW programme is expected this year.

“A large part of this NRW project will be the mobilization of laying of pipes and pressure monitors, ensuring that we are not either under pumping or over pumping”, he stated.

The Minister, who was speaking yesterday (Thursday, February 16, 2023), at the Commissioning of the 50,000-gallon Storage Tank Replacement Project in York Town Clarendon, pointed to the need for the NWC to build infrastructure that will fundamentally change its capacity to store, process and deliver water.

Energy consumption, he said, is a large part of that thrust and pointed out that over 30 percent of funds collected by the NWC go into paying the Jamaica Public Service.

He added that projects, which reduce the need for pumping hours as well as gravity-fed systems and tackle leaks are critical, as the NWC is actively looking at all opportunities to utilize renewable energy and to manage its consumption.

He pointed to the importance of reporting water theft, noting that it was essential to the stability of all systems being rolled out by the NWC across Jamaica, and urged citizens to work with the NWC.


50 million dollars allocated for water trucking to areas most impacted by drought – Samuda

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda, announced that the government has allocated $50 million to assist the National Water Commission (NWC) and the Municipal Corporations with the trucking of water, up until the end of the 2022/2023 Financial Year.

Noting that the island is currently experiencing meteorological drought, Minister Samuda disclosed that the decision followed a recent meeting with Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, during which he instructed that an analysis is done to determine the areas with the greatest impact by the current lack of rainfall.

“He asked that we design a trucking programme to support the areas most impacted in partnership with the NWC and indeed the local authorities and that we give some support that carries us up until the end of the budget year”, the Minister disclosed.

Stating that Jamaica is no stranger to the impacts of drought, Minister Samuda explained that during November and December last year, every parish received rainfall that was less than their 30- year average.

“Although the data for January is preliminary the trend appears to have continued, and in fact worsened. We had expressed a hope for greater rainfall earlier in the year. We have not received it, so I ask citizens to be very cognizant of how we use the water that we do have.  We are asking for conservation, and we are asking for understanding” the Minister urged.

Minister Samuda was speaking today (Thursday, February 16, 2023) at the Commissioning of the 50-thousand-gallon Storage Tank Replacement Project, in York Town, Clarendon.

The project was completed at a cost of 22-million dollars under the NWC’s Tank and Pump Rehabilitation for Operational Efficiency Improvement Programme.

Six hundred residents of the mostly agricultural communities of York Town, Howells Content, Bullards Content, Hopewell, Parnassus, Denbigh Drive, Foga Road and Four Paths Settlement, are expected to benefit from the project.

The Minister committed that the NWC would continue to make investments in the community.

The NWC’s Tank and Pump Rehabilitation for Operational Efficiency Improvement Programme, involves the procurement of thirty-three (33) tanks at a cost of approximately $600 million.