The Caribbean Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) is a climate change adaptation initiative of the global PPCR supported by the Climate Investment Funds. The Caribbean PPCR has two complementary tracks. The first track consists of country based investments in six vulnerable countries and the second is a regional track involving regional organizations working in the Caribbean in key sectors.
Main objectives:
The Regional Track of the PPCR in the Caribbean is coordinated by a Programme Management Unit at the University of the West Indies’ Mona Office for Research and Innovation (UWI MORI) in Jamaica. The programme is supported by the Inter-American Development Bank which has provided USD1O.39 million in grant funding for the regional track. Activities under the program commenced in 2015 and will continue until 2020. Components of the project are being co-implemented by five regional institutions:
Data generated and information products developed under the regional track will be used at both national and regional levels to support planning and decision making.
The programme has four components:
The Regional Track of the PPCR is working to improve geospatial data and management related to sea level rise, storm surge and flooding for adaptation planning at regional and national levels (USD2,400,000)is working to improve geospatial data and management related to sea level rise, storm surge and flooding for adaptation planning at regional and national levels (USD2,400,000)is working to improve geospatial data and management related to sea level rise, storm surge and flooding for adaptation planning at regional and national levels (USD2,400,000)
Supports consolidation and expansion the regional climate monitoring network and building the capacity of national and regional structures/organizations to deliver relevant climate products and services with specific focus in 3 sectors. It is also strengthening the Caribbean’s linkages with global climate information centres (USD975,000)
Improving the availability of downscaled and expanded climate projection models and high resolution maps to the Caribbean to support adaptation planning, decision making and sectoral level modelling/projection efforts. It is also establishing a framework linking regional and sectoral climate models for adaptation planning in four key sectors and developing a Regional Coastal Zone Integrated Information Management System. (USD2,288,850)
Supports applied adaptation initiatives in key sectors with sub-components in the Health– to reduce climate variability and climate change related risks from mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikingunya and Zika Virus; Marine Resources-to reduce climate variability and climate change related risks on the fisheries industry; Agriculture-to improve availability of climate resilient cultivars and agricultural production systems; Water-to develop an enabling environment for Rainwater Harvesting Systems via policy and capacity building; and Mainstreaming climate change considerations into development planning and facilitating the use of climate change risk and adaptation tools. (USD3,127,388)