Portfolio Areas
The protection of Jamaica’s natural resources, the prevention and minimization of pollution, and the integration of environmental considerations into national development planning, in support of Jamaica’s achievement of environmental sustainability and climate resilience.
The Environment and Risk Management Branch’s mandate is the development of policies, legislation, projects, and programmes for effective environmental management, supported by well-developed research and database systems in the area of environmental protection and conservation.
The Branch works collaboratively and in partnership with all the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, including the National Environment and Planning Agency and the Forestry Department as well as the private sector, civil society, and academia in advancing the country’s environment and sustainable development agenda.
1. Develop and review policies, legislation, projects, and programmes in areas such as:
- Natural Resources Management – biodiversity conservation and protection, protected areas management, wildlife protection, watersheds management, endangered species, biosafety, ocean governance)
- Pollution Control (including air and water quality, the ozone layer, waste management particularly hazardous waste)
- Hazardous Wastes and Chemicals Management
- Sustainable Consumption and Production
- Environmental Stewardship
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- Climate Change (policy and legislative frameworks)
- Trade and Environment
- Sustainable Development ( international sustainable development initiatives related to small island developing states)
2. Provide policy advice including technical briefs for the Minister with responsibility for the environment for presentation to Cabinet and/or its committees;
3. Provide technical assistance on matters related to the environment, as necessary and appropriate;
4. Represent Jamaica at regional and international meetings on issues related to environmental management and sustainable development;
5. Monitor the implementation of regional and international environmental agreements, follow up issues of relevance to Jamaica, and ensure that treaty obligations are included in the formulation of national policies and legislation; focal Point responsibilities and national reporting functions under various conventions and protocols;.
6. Develop and execute public and sector-specific education and awareness-raising programmes and outreach activities on issues related to the environment and sustainable development;
7. Undertake research, in collaboration with the scientific communities and other stakeholders, in relation to priority matters related to the environment and sustainable development;
8. Provide oversight for agencies of the Ministry with an environment mandate;
- The Orchid Conservation Policy for Jamaica 2014
- Climate Change Policy Framework 2015 (currently being updated)
- Forest Policy for Jamaica 2017
- National Policy on environmental management systems (EMS) 2017
- National Biosafety Policy 2021
- National Policy on the environmentally sound management of hazardous waste 2021
- Protected Areas Policy 1997 (currently being revised)
- Beach Access and Management Policy (Green Paper)
- Emissions Policy Framework (Green Paper)
- Dolphin Policy for Jamaica (White Paper
- Watersheds Policy (draft)
- Protected Areas System Masterplan (2013 – 2017)
- National Forest Management and Conservation Plan
- Forest Act 1996 (currently being amended)
- Beach Control Act 1956
- Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act, 2000
- Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act 1991
- The Wild Life Protection Act 1945 (currently being amended)
- Watersheds Protection Act, 1963
- Government’s ban on single-use plastics
- National Programme on the environmentally sound management of end-of-life tyres
- Youth Environmental Advocacy Programme (YEAP);
- National Biodiversity Conference (held every biennial to raise the awareness of the population to the importance of biodiversity to health, lives and livelihoods)