Portfolio Areas
Through the Economic Policy and Investment portfolio the Ministry provides guidance, leadership and monitoring of all activities related to the formulation and amendment of economic and investment policies and legislation as well as monitor the implementation of investment projects within the Ministry’s agencies and departments.
This Division fosters collaboration with economic and investment agencies to boost and promote growth and investment strategies and programmes to enhance polices and project implementation and to maximize the benefits of existing investments and foster the expansion of investment opportunities within Jamaica.
Structurally, oversight and monitoring is provided to the:
- Factories Corporation of Jamaica, (FCJ)
- Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ)
- Urban Development Corporation (UDC)
There are several priority projects being facilitated, monitored, and evaluated, to include:
- Garmex Redevelopment and Expansion Project
- Morant Bay Urban Centre Project
- Hayes Redevelopment Integrated Business Centre
- Boundbrook Development Project
- Naggo Head Integrated Business Centre