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| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
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Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Students, householders benefit from JN Water Tech-Fest

JN Water Tech-Fest
JN Water Tech-Fest
Onyka Barrett Scott (right), general manager of the JN Foundation, and Anaitee Mills, consultant, Climate Change and Sustainability Division at the Inter-American Development Bank, examine a converted keg being shown by Jovan Evans of Aquaflow Products and Services at Water Tech-Fest. Contributed


Students and householders found a greater appreciation for how they can conserve on water with the installation of water-­saving devices and practise water-saving measures at home at the Water Tech-Fest exhibition, which was mounted by the Water Project Jamaica.

The Tech-Fest was held at JN Bank’s Half-Way Tree branch in observation of World Water Day on March 22 under the theme ‘Leaving No One behind’.
“It was an informative exhibition. I learned how to conserve water at home and at school,” said Jhardine Daley, a student of Ardenne High School who viewed the exhibition with his teachers and peers.

Jane Dennis, a JN member, found the exhibition very interesting, especially the display mounted by AquaFlow, which demonstrated how customised water bottles and kegs that are converted with spouts could come in handy during water shortage and lock-offs.

“The displays were very interesting. I learned how to conserve water and to detect leaks at home.

“The conversion of kegs with spouts was also useful,” she said. “The Scientific Research Council’s (SRC) display was very applicable as they gave me ideas about how to get my products checked at the SRC. I have a cosmetic business and have developed my own line of products,” Dennis said.

The exhibitors at the Tech-Fest included Instant Save, JN Small Business Loans, Isratech, SRC, and Aqua Flow Products and Services.
Onyka Barrett Scott, general manager of the JN Foundation and administrator of the Water Project Jamaica, said the main objective of the exhibition was to sensitise members of the public and encourage them to play a proactive role in being ‘water-smart’.

‘Simple and practical’
“This project helps us to see simple and practical things we can do on a daily basis to reduce the amount of water we use in our homes, and if we can do that, then we will manage the resource better. Hence, the aim of the exhibition was to give patrons the opportunity to test various devices they can use in their homes or businesses and to help them become familiar with some of the suppliers in the space,” she said.

The Water Project Jamaica, which commenced in March 2017, is a four-year collaboration among the JN Foundation, JN Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Climate Investment Funds, and the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience. The project was designed to address water-management issues primarily related to climate change.