| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation


Tuesday, June 7th, 2022

Systematic Land Registration Programme to increase titling and land registration islandwide

Certificates of Title were recently handed over to 128 recipients in St. Catherine, under the National Land Agency’s Systematic Land Registration Programme, during a ceremony at the Old Harbour New Testament Church of God.
The aim of the Systematic Land Registration (SLR) Programme, is to increase rates of land registration across the island, as well as raise awareness about the benefits of obtaining security of land tenure.
One of its primary goals is to address the approximately three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) parcels of land within the island that are unregistered with an estimated value of more than two hundred billion dollars (J$200 billion).
Speaking at the ceremony, Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness said the Government is working to provide more land and shelter solutions for Jamaicans through programmes such as the SLR.
“I am confident that we now have a system in place that is going to ensure that every square inch of land in Jamaica falls under a public register, that secures the property rights and interests of the persons who own it and that is a major achievement for Jamaica 60” the Prime Minister said.
In his remarks at the ceremony, Hon. Clifford E. Warmington, Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, and Member of Parliament for St. Catherine, noted that nothing is more empowering to the citizens of a country, than owning their own land. However, he added, without a title to back up that claim, there is very little that persons can do with their asset.
“Your titles will ensure your financial independence and peace of mind, for that is what having a title means. It is an extremely important piece of paper. Having your title means that the land is yours by law, and nothing or no-one can separate you from your land”, the Minister stated.
Systematic Land Registration is the orderly registration of parcels of land in a selected area known as the Systematic Adjudication Area. In January 2021, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, declared several communities as Systematic Adjudication Areas.
As at May 2022, a total of 218 areas had been declared as Systematic Adjudication Areas including 121 areas in St. Catherine. This initiative saw the National Land Agency issuing a total of 4,382 titles for the parishes of St. Elizabeth and St. Catherine out of a target of 5,000 at the end of the 2021/22 financial year.