| Mon - Thur 8:30 am - 5:00pm, Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
| Government of Jamaica ja-flag

Ministry of
Economic Growth
& Job Creation

Negril and Green Island Area Local Planning Authority

The Negril and Green Island Area Local Planning Authority (NGIALPA) was appointed by the then Minister in charge of planning in 1984 under Section 5 (1) of the Town & Country Planning Act.

The Authority was established to monitor 74,000 acres of land within the parishes of Westmoreland and Hanover to deal primarily with development applications and enforcing measures for breaches against the various Planning Laws.
The Negril and Green Island Area Local Planning Authority (NGIALPA) plays a vital role in shaping the future of the Negril and Green Island Order Area. As the designated Local Planning Authority, NGIALPA is responsible for administering the Confirmed Development Order and overseeing all development activities in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) locally, with exception to the classes as forwarded to the Town and Country Planning Authority. This ensures that growth and development are balanced with the need to protect the environment, preserve community character, and promote sustainable development.
NGIALPA serves as the primary point of contact for development inquiries and applications, providing essential guidance and support to stakeholders. This helps to streamline the development process and ensure compliance with regulations. Through its mandate, NGIALPA contributes to the creation of vibrant, resilient, and sustainable communities.

Town and Country Planning (Negril and Green Island Area) Confirmed Development Order, 2015

Continued proactive communication with the NGIALPA is recommended in order to keep them informed and in dialogue on the activity in their jurisdiction. This will also be the approach of the environmental consulting team in deliberating environmental aspects of the planning and approval process.

Detailed summary of the Town and Country Planning (Negril and Green Island Area) Confirmed Development Order, 2015, with a focus on the development standards:
Town and Country Planning (Negril and Green Island Area) Confirmed Development Order, 2015
The Town and Country Planning (Negril and Green Island Area) Confirmed Development Order, 2015 establishes a comprehensive framework for development in the Negril and Green Island areas of Jamaica. Key aspects of the Order include:

Zoning Regulations:

The Development Order regulates land use, density, height, and design, while protecting community character, promoting mixed-use development, and balancing private property rights with environmental sustainability namely in these categories:
– Resort : Allows for hotels, resorts, and other tourism-related uses, with guidelines for density, building height, and design.
– Residential: Permits single-family homes, apartments, and condominiums, with standards for lot size, building coverage, and setbacks.
– Commercial: Accommodates shops, restaurants, and services, with regulations for signage, parking, and loading.
– Environmental Conservation: Protects sensitive ecosystems, including wetlands, forests, and coastal areas.
Development Standards:
– Building Height: Generally restricted to 2 stories at road level, with designated zones along Norman Manley Boulevard permitting hotels and resorts to reach a maximum height of 4 stories on both the seaward and landward sides of the road, subject to specific exceptions and approvals.
– Density: Sets maximum density levels for residential and tourist development, ranging from 10-50 habitable rooms per hectare.
– Setbacks: Mandates minimum distances from property boundaries, roads, and waterways, with specific requirements including:
– A minimum setback of 6.1 meters from parochial roads, or as determined by the relevant regulatory body
– A minimum setback of 1.5 meters per floor from the sides and back, increasing with each additional story
– A minimum setback of 45.75 meters from the High Water Mark (HWM) or as approved by the Planning Authority
– A minimum setback of 30.5 meters from the morass (wetland area)
– A minimum 20-meter wide green corridor along the Orange River
– Building Coverage: Limits building coverage to 30-50% of lot area, depending on the zone.
– Parking and Loading: Mandates minimum parking and loading requirements for all developments within the Development Order Area.
– Signage: Regulates signage size, type, and placement to maintain visual appeal and minimize clutter.
– Design Guidelines: Encourages design that respects the area’s natural beauty, cultural heritage, and architectural style.
Environmental Protection:
– Coastal Protection: Prohibits development within 30.5 meters of the high-water mark, with exceptions for approved beachfront structures.
– Wetland Protection: Safeguards wetlands and waterways from development and pollution.
– Environmental Impact Assessment: Requires assessments for projects exceeding 1 hectare or 10 units.
Infrastructure Provision:
– Roads and Highways: Ensures adequate road capacity and design standards for new developments.
– Utilities: Requires provision of essential services, including water, electricity, and waste management.
– Community Facilities: Mandates provision of community facilities, such as parks, playgrounds, and community centers.
Community Engagement:
– Public Participation: Encourages public input in the planning process through meetings, forums, and written submissions.

In keeping with the Vision 2030, NGIALPA has been promoting the implementation of rainwater harvesting mechanisms in all developments, requiring designs and detailed reports on its utilization to minimize water waste and optimize resource use. By establishing clear development standards and guidelines, the Confirmed Order aims to balance economic growth with environmental protection and community well-being, ensuring a sustainable future for the Negril and Green Island Area.